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21 September 2010

Riwayat Bidadari-bidadari Syurga

Siti Hajar
Ketika anak meraungkan tangisan, hati ibu tidak keruan
Berlarilah Hajar dari Safa ke Marwah
Mencari petunjuk bantuan Allah
Hentakan kaki menerbitkan air
Penghilang dahaga dan kering bibir
Hajar..hikayatmu merentasi kurun
Menjadi ingatan turun temurun
Akan tumbuhkah benih tanpa air yang menyiram?
Akan mekarkah bunga tanpa cahaya suria?
Maryam..engkau menjadi pilihan Allah
Membuktikan kudratNya yang Maha Kuasa
Aminah Binti Wahab
Semulia-mulia rahim yang mengandungkan bayinya
Semulia-mulia wanita yang mengandungkan rahmat
Tidak akan terulang lagi di dalam hikayat
Kisah laksana Aminah Binti Wahab
Ibu pembawa berkat

Kisah Ashabul kahfi (7 sahabat/penghuni gua)

Kahf Ahlil Kahf merupakan lokasi sejarah yang membuktikan kebenaran kisah di dalam Al-Quran iaitu di dalam Surah Kahfi mulai ayat 9 hingga 26. Ayat di dalam Surah tersebut menceritakan bagaimana 7 orang pemuda yang beriman kepada Allah melarikan diri ke sebuah gua dan Allah menidurkan mereka selama 309 tahun Qamariah (300 tahun Shamsiah) sehingga mereka tidak dapat dibangunkan oleh suara apa sekalipun.
Kisah 7 pemuda ini bermula apabila mereka berhadapan dengan raja yang zalim dan mengakui bahawa mereka hanya beriman kepada Allah yang menguasai langit dan bumi. 7 orang pemuda tersebut melarikan diri dari raja yang zalim bersama seekor anjing mereka ke sebuah gua dan bersembunyi di situ lalu mereka ditidurkan oleh Allah selama 309 tahun Qamariah.
Apabila mereka bangun, salah seorang dari mereka keluar untuk membeli makanan dan mendapati zaman tersebut telah berubah dari zaman mereka memasuki gua. Ini disedari apabila wang yang mereka gunakan sudah tidak laku pada zaman tersebut (zaman mereka dibangkitkan).

Kerana Mempersendakan Al-Quran

“PAGI itu sekolah kecoh. Nadia dan Aiman ditangkap basah! Cerita ini disampaikan terus oleh Fazli yang turut berada di tempat kejadian. Malah dia sempat merakamkan perbuatan sumbang rakannya itu. Menurut Fazli, mereka ditangkap oleh penduduk kampung di dalam semak tanpa seurat benang pun.
Sebenarnya, kami memang sudah maklum dengan perangai Nadia yang berlagak alim depan ibu bapanya dan guru-guru di sekolah. Malah, sikap Nadia yang gemar menabur fitnah dan mengadu-domba itu menyebabkan rakan-rakan sekelas menjauhkan diri daripadanya. Salah seorang mangsa fitnahnya ialah rakan baikku sendiri iaitu Ainun. Disebab fitnah itu jugalah Ainun pernah diugut akan dicederakan oleh Aiman.
Oleh kerana tidak tahan difitnah dan diugut, akhirnya Ainun mengadu kepada cikgu kaunseling tentang perilaku Nadia yang sering ponteng sekolah untuk berasmara dengan kekasihnya. Dakwaan Ainun itu diperkukuhkan dengan sms yang dihantar sendiri oleh Nadia. Melalui sms itu Nadia memaklumkan dia tidak ke sekolah kerana keluar bersama Sham ke Bandar. Sham merupakan teman lelaki Nadia yang kedua. Cikgu kaunseling menelefon bapa Nadia bagi memaklumkan perkara tersebut. Bapa Nadia berjanji akan menyiasat perkara berkenaan.
Beberapa hari kemudian, ibu bapa Nadia datang ke sekolah untuk berjumpa cikgu kaunseling. Ibu bapa Nadia mendakwa Ainun sengaja memfitnah anak mereka. Bagi membuktikan anak mereka tidak bersalah, ibu bapa Nadia menyuruh Nadia bersumpah dengan menjunjung Al-Quran dan Nadia melakukannya. Kemudian, cikgu kaunseling memanggil Ainun dan menyuruh dia melakukan perkara yang sama seperti Nadia lakukan sekiranya dia bercakap benar. Namun demikian, Ainun enggan menjunjung Al-Quran. Ainun tidak mahu mempermainkan kitab suci itu.

20 September 2010

10 Mayat Yang Tidak Reput

" Cuma merupakan suatu peringatan dan pengetahuan buat diri saya yang sering alpa - ditambah di sini sebagai suatu panduan untuk diri saya sendiri dan bagi sesiapa yang masih belum mengetahuinya" - Petikan drpd sudut Agama - Berita Harian

DALAM satu riwayat menyatakan, apabila makhluk dibangkitkan dari kubur mereka berdiri tegak di kubur masing-masing selama 44 tahun umur akhirat dalam keadaan tidak makan, minum, duduk dan bercakap.

Bertanya orang kepada Rasulullah saw: “Bagaimana kita dapat mengenali orang mukmin pada hari kiamat?”

Jawab Rasulullah: “Dikenal kerana wajah mereka putih disebabkan wuduk. Apabila kiamat, malaikat datang ke kubur orang mukmin sambil membersihkan debu di badan mereka kecuali pada tempat sujud.

“Bekas sujud tidak dihilangkan. Maka memanggil dari zat yang memanggil.

“Bukanlah debu itu daripada debu kubur mereka, akan tetapi debu itu adalah debu keimanan mereka.

“Oleh itu, tinggallah debu itu sehingga mereka melalui titian Siratul Mustaqim dan memasuki alam syurga, sehingga setiap orang melihat mukmin itu mengetahui mereka adalah pelayan-Ku dan hamba-Ku.”

Disebutkan hadis Rasulullah, 10 orang yang mayatnya tidak busuk serta tidak reput dan akan bangkit dalam tubuh asal pada waktu mati.


Ahli jihad.

Alim ulama.


Penghafal al-Quran.

Pemimpin yang adil.

Tukang azan.

Wanita mati bersalin.

Orang mati dianiaya.

Orang yang mati pada siang hari atau di malam Jumaat jika mereka itu dari kalangan orang yang beriman.

Dalam satu riwayat yang lain dari Jabir Abdullah, Rasulullah bersabda: “Apabila datang hari kiamat dan orang yang berada di dalam kubur dibangkitkan, maka Allah memberi wahyu kepada Malaikat Ridhwan:

“Wahai Ridhwan, sesungguhnya Aku mengeluarkan hamba-Ku berpuasa (ahli puasa) dari kubur mereka dalam keadaan letih dan dahaga. Ambillah dan berikan mereka makanan yang digoreng dan buah-buahan syurga.”

Maka, malaikat Ridhwan menyeru: “Wahai sekalian kawan dan semua anak yang belum baligh.” Lalu mereka datang dengan membawa dulang daripada nur dan berhimpun dekat Malaikat Ridhwan bersama dulang yang penuh dengan buahan dan minuman yang lazat dari syurga dengan sangat banyak melebihi daun kayu di bumi.

Jika Malaikat Ridhwan berjumpa mukmin dia memberi makanan itu kepada mereka sambil mengucap seperti firman Allah dalam surah Al-Haqqah bermaksud: “Makan dan minumlah dengan sedap disebabkan amal yang kamu kerjakan pada hari yang lalu itu.”

22 Ogos 2010

Biar Betul, Daging McDonald Haram @ Tak Halal

Ini forward email yang kami terima. Kena check balik dengan JAKIM Malaysia tentang betul ke daging Mcdonald haram @ tak halal.

Kes besar nie Daging Mc Donald Tidak Halal – JAKIM **Penting!!!

Aku memohon keampunan dan perlindungan dari ALLAH S.W.T atas kelemahan dan ketidakupayaan ku.
Tidak lah aku mengharamkan sesuatu yang ALLAH S.W.T halalkan, sesungguhnya perbuatan itu murtad hukumnya.

Ekoran pengumuman dari JAKIM mengenai penarikan balik pengiktirafan dari senarai yang diiktiraf JAKIM berkuatkuasa 15 April 2010 serta bukti kesahihan perkara ini sememangnya mengejutkan aku.

Aku enggan bersubahat dan dilaknat ALLAH S.W.T atas sebab menyembunyikan kebenaran serta kasih sayang ku sesama saudara seIslam seperti sabda Rasulullah SAW yang bermaksud: “Tidak sempurna Iman seseorang kamu sehinggalah dia menyayangi saudara seIslamnya seperti mana dia menyayangi dirinya sendiri.” (daripada Anas r.a, riwayat Muslim)

’Sesungguhnya orang-orang yang menyembunyikan apa yang telah Kami turunkan dari keterangan-keterangan dan petunjuk hidayah, sesudah Kami menerangkannya kepada manusia di dalam Kitab Suci, mereka itu dilaknat oleh Allah dan dilaknat oleh sekalian makhluk.

Kecuali orang-orang yang bertaubat, dan memperbaiki (amal buruk mereka) serta menerangkan (apa yang mereka sembunyikan); maka orang-orang itu, Aku terima taubat mereka, dan Akulah Yang Maha Penerima taubat, lagi Maha Mengasihani. (Al-Baqarah: 159-160)

Bukti Pertama : http://www.halal.gov.my/v2/index.php?ty=content_view&id=ANN-20100420101427&type=ANN
-Di sini JAKIM telah menyatakan tidak menerima pakai sijil halal dari Uruguay Islamic Centre.
daging mcd haram
Bukti Kedua : Surat dari JAKIM kepada Encik Bob Chan, Pengarah Urusan Mac Food Services (M) Sdn Bhd dan bukti daging berasal dari Uruguay yang tidak memenuhi piawai JAKIM menurut sumber permberi salinan surat ini.
daging mcd haram
Kepada saudara-saudari, sahabat2.. tolong sebar2kan kepada saudara2 kita kat luar sana… Copy paste gambar pun tak pa..

Perbetulkan aku jika ada kesilapan..
Aku telah mnyampaikan… Segalanya ku serahkan kepada-NYA..

mencari redha Allah meskipun mengundang marah manusia.. tidak sekali mencari redha manusia tuk mengundang murka Allah.. InsyaAllah..

Promosi Kit Workshop Yang Agak Mengelirukan

Apakah itu expilian? Hahaha. Memang main tibai je diorang wat iklan nie. Sabor jerlah.

23 Julai 2010


kepala ular bertahta mustika

gunung siluaet muka manusia

tengkorak manusia bertanduk

Congo Goliath Tiger Fish




Berikut adalah beberapa gambar HANTU yang anda harus lihat:

Priest Ghost

“I took this photograph with a KODAK EASYSHARE CX7300 digital camera a few years ago, in St. Giles Cathedral in Edinburgh.
It was an overcast day, not too many tourists were in at the time, and i was with my mum.
When i take any photographs inside the Cathedral or anywhere , i try to wait till there is no-one in the way and then i’ll click away, and that is what i did here.
My mum also is afraid of any clergy i.e nuns, preists, ministers from an incident when she was little, so i know if this gentleman had been sitting there my mum would have gone outside and left me there!
This photograph was the 2nd of 3 pictures i snapped one after the other as i was trying to get a decent shot of the window and when i got home and downloaded my photos on to my p.c i nearly fainted at what i had caught! (there is no-one in the other 2)
I let my mum see it and it gave her shivers, as does anyone i have shown it to.
I would love to know what you make of it as it has baffled everyone that has seen it, they all see someone sitting there and they all tell me its either a priest or a minister?”
Hug Ghost

“Here is a picture of me taken in December 1981.  No doubt the apparent “ghost” was caused by the light, but the shape of the image and the way it appears to have its arms around me in a protective way is a bit spooky.”

Rock Ghost

“This photo was taken in Boscastle, Cornwall in April 2003 of me and my
daughter. The white figure to the left was not there when we climbed onto
the rocks. Please could any one explain it as this has troubled me since
the photo was developed in that same year.”
Ghost Behind The Wall

“I’d love to know what you think of this photo. It was taken, by my uncle, many years ago in Highfield, Southampton, where we used to live. That’s me in the foreground but in the background, close to the shrub, you’ll see a face peering over the wall.

The only people in the garden that day were my parents, my uncle and me. The house itself was described by everyone as having an atmosphere; my uncle sums it up best with his description from a biography he wrote about his father, my grandfather:

“Mayfield’ was a barn of a place chiefly now remembered by me for the chill on winter’s mornings and its spookiness. The Highfield district of Southampton had been built up in the late Victorian and Edwardian years, the names of the roads gave the game away, Khartoum, Omdurman, Nile and so on recalling the British in the Sudan and Egypt…the house had been occupied by the army during the war, the lower half of the passage walls and doors were painted an tasteful chocolate brown (for gloom ‘Mayfield’ was in a class of it’s own)…

It is over fifty years ago, but I still see the Bechstein concert grand piano in the lounge bay window, the lounge and dining room were one large room as my parents preferred to keep the wooden dividing doors open.   ‘Mayfield’ was a ‘spooky’ house, many years later when dad was semi retired and working in Cape Town I never liked staying there on my own. There was a tale told about the house that it was unlucky for women. Both Mrs, Wills and my mother died in the house at very young ages and later my sister and Lynette who also had stayed there both died very young of identical cancer.”

My uncle has had a lifelong interest in photography and when this picture was developed – along with another photo taken on the same afternoon showing the same face – he still recalls the impact that seeing this little face had on my parents. My mother asked him never to show it to me and he only did so many years after she had died. I think it is absolutely extraordinary. We have had it enlarged and, if anything, it looks even more obviously a head – but using measurements gauged by the bricks and the pipe, our best estimate is that the head is tiny – only a few inches high.”
Castle Ghost

Ghost In The House

I live in Ravenna Ohio. In May of 2008, my son took a picture of our house with a digital camera. It was in the afternoon and he was not looking for ghosts. Upon looking at the picture on the computer, there is an image of what appears to be a child looking out of the window.I was the only person in the house. We were astonished by this image to say the least. We have lived in this house for about fifteen years and it is a former parsonage. We have experienced strange activity in the house as well as the former owner. A paranormal research team asked to come last June to do an investigation. They did pick up an EVP, and sent the photograph to Kodak lab. Kodak told them that the photo was genuine and untouched. Could you please take a look at this photo.

The image below has been sent into the site several times.  Each time, the person submitting it claims to know someone who knows someone in the image.  However, when I ask them for contact details I get a blank.  So, here is the question – can you help track down anyone in the picture, or the person that took it?
Cellar Ghost

“this photograph was taken in the late 70′ and is a beer cellar in a pub in Ross on Wye. The cellar was in 2 divisions and The owner at that time was having the beer equipment moved from one part to another due to excessive damp.

The lady who took this photograph had not noticed the figure standing on the left, she had just brought the photo in to show us what the cellar used to be like.

Please note that there was no electric in this part of the cellar and the 2 shafts of light on the ceiling are therefore puzzling.

We did some research on the pub and found out that this part of the cellar was in fact part of a tunnel where people were taken prior to being led through underground tunnels to the tower in the town centre.

The original of this photograph was given to an investigator who sent it to his society for authentication together with the original negative. Their findings were apparently that it was not a double exposure and had not been tampered with.”
Purple Ghost

“This picture was taken at the cook ovens in leetiona Ohio on 03/05/0 that’s my daughter sitting by the tree she is 4 months pregnant it seems to be a ghost looking right at her in the purple I didn’t know it until I got home and starting copying it “
Another Castle Ghost

“I’m attaching a picture taken about two years ago of my friend at Warwick Castle, where behind her (up a bit) you can see a figure. I’m pretty sure that where the figure is standing is not accessible by the public. Although I’m not convinced it’s a ghost, I’m certainly curious as to what, or who, exactly it is. Perhaps you could add it to your site and help figure it out?”
Ghost In Hair
“I have a picture that has baffled me since the moment i took it that i hope you would take a look at. I was at my Uncle’s house, who had recently passed away, laid in bed taking pictures of my girlfriend at the time. I was takin shots with my mobile phone when all of a sudden as i was taking a shot this gremlin like creature appeared. Becki said i went white when i saw it and i quickly explained to her why and praying it showed up on the phone…..it did!
I saw this creature appear on the phone then quickly took the shot and it has haunted me ever since. I dont know what i am expecting from you but i have always wanted someone of expertise to take a look.”
Wedding Ghost
“It was taken in October 1972 by a professional photographer who was commissioned to take photographs of guests arriving at the wedding reception of friends whose son had just married in Paisley. The photo shows me on the left, my wife who is pregnant at the time, and friends. Crouching behind one of the figures is a “spirit extra” looking towards the camera and dressed in what appears to be open-toed sandals.
The photographer said the negative also showed the “spirit extra”. He could not explain the photo. As far as he was aware no one was behind the man when the photo was taken and no one was there when we moved away. He said it would be impossible for anyone to crouch behind without the person being aware of their presence and indeed without their body being visible to the person’s left. Compare for example the size of the person’s foot to that of the extra. The person with his hands behind his back would surely have felt someone behind him?
Another friend who was working with the police at the time had the photograph examined by a police photographer who said the photo was genuine and not faked.
One Glasgow medium, predicted that I would receive such a photo. Another well-known Glasgow medium, was able to tell me without seeing the photo that it contained a “spirit extra”. A visiting medium from England, was able to tell me the reference number written on the back of the photo, again without seeing it.
I would be delighted to hear your views on this photo.
Twin Towers Ghost
“At about 2 inches from the left side of the picture, you’ll notice two twin buildings, you see the contour or silhouette  only, very lightly. Ok. The pictures were taken around mid september 2008.  The contour of the towers are in the same place where the real towers used to be.”